How to create cost effective BMS IP networks in half the time

Imagine you could create an IP network topology easily and cost effective using just RS485 Modbus devices (fan coils, power meters, io modules) and one IP IO Module
Imagine that you could easily access each RS485 device using one IP address
and...Imagine that getting a convergent network would be so cost effective, since you don't need to run all that ethernet cabling and network switches and create individual IP addresses
Great news: you can and I will show you exactly how.
Is really simple:
Any of our iSMA IP Modules can acts as a transparent Modbus IP to RS485 gateway
... so you can build IP network using only one iSMA IP and any RS485 Modbus devices
... all you need to do is:
- allocate individual modbus addresses on each RS485 device
- match the baud parity and stop bits
- run RS485 cables in between the IP module and all the RS485 devices as usual.
... so effectively you are getting an IO module and a gateway all in one easy to configure product.
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